Performance Based Marketing


What if you only paid your marketing agency when you made a sale or generated a lead?

With our performance based marketing services, you can do just that.

We can help you grow your business by placing ads for your products or services on Google, Facebook, Instagram, Bing and a host of 3rd party websites via the Google Display Network. You only pay us when you achieve a sale or lead. There are no traditional monthly agency fees and we pay for all the advertising.

For performance based advertising to work for both parties, we will need:

  • Accurate conversion tracking in place on your website. (We can help you install this if it’s not already there.)

  • Products or services that have some history of sales in their market.

  • A profit margin that allows you to pay an agreed commission rate on all sales or leads.

  • A special landing page we create on your site that allows us to sell your product/service.

If you think this is something to explore for your business contact us today to get started.

Performance based adversing has allowed us to book all the remaining tours each month without any risk from us it’s the ultimate win-win.
— Frank Among Kualoa Ranch