We do all of the marketing and advertising for Cutter Ford in Aiea.
Cutter Ford was going through a massive dealership renovation when we were approached to help lead their rebranding. The automotive market is unique as it was one of the first industries to really adopt digital as a platform in which consumers would engage and be informed about their products. When was the last time you looked through the newspaper classifieds for a new vehicle? Data says that people visit on average 1.8 dealerships before they make a purchase. Consumers are more informed and educated than ever before and it's because of the internet.
Cutter Ford was like most automotive dealerships in that it was heavily invested in traditional media (newspaper, radio, tv) and creating price driven ads.
With the launch of a cohesive conversion optimized approach to the digital funnel to grab leads, we set on our way. Utilizing social ads and pay per click to find highly targeted car buyers and get them to email, call, or come down to the dealership.
We do this not only with highly targeted and relevant ads, but with the creative that goes into those ads. A few examples of some of the spots we created are below.